SAD NEWS: He want to leave……

DCE came under fire after revealing in a shocking way that he thought about leaving the Sea Eagles because of the 2024 debacle.

After his team’s 2022 upheaval, Manly skipper Daly Cherry Evans acknowledged that he thought about leaving the club.

In the midst of the pride jersey scandal, the Sea Eagles finished the season with a seven-game losing streak, prompting demands for Jake Trbojevic to take Cherry-Evans’ place as captain.

Owner Scott Penn and veteran coach Des Hasler were having a falling out, and it’s still unclear if the coach will return in 2023.

“People just want to cause uncertainty and I know that sounds ridiculous, how could people at a club want to rip the place apart,” Cherry-Evans said.

“But unfortunately that is the situation we have at Manly. So those things I can’t control. The playing group I can have an impact on.

“I’m really confident about where I stand and where the playing group stand with each other.”

Cherry Evans was asked about his alleged split with Polynesian players in his side and whether he was the best man to captain the club.

“I thought that was pretty funny to be honest considering how comfortable I am with all of my teammates let alone the seven that didn’t play and the rest of the Polynesian group,” Cherry-Evans said.

“They’re merely unfounded rumours that were spread by people who intended to make me feel uneasy.

“However, as time went on and I chatted with more people, I came to understand that these were merely personal jabs and that certain agendas were being pushed, but I’m actually at ease with my relationships at Manly.

Cherry-Evans remarked, “I have always said that I am a huge fan of Des Hasler and that I want him to be our coach for as long as he can.”

A question on DCE’s thoughts on quitting the club due to the drama was then posed.

Cherry-Evans remarked, “I’d be lying if I said it didn’t cross my mind.”

Manly was blasted by the NRL 360 panel.

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