Orang ramai tidak suka saya kerana kapten Safawi penuh dengan warga Britain, Safawi Rasid memberitahu jurulatih Tomislav Steinbruckner…

In a recent meeting, Safawi Rasid expressed his frustrations to coach Tomislav Steinbruckner, revealing a sentiment that has been troubling him. Safawi shared that he feels alienated and unsupported by the team due to what he perceives as a bias in favor of the British players. “People don’t like me because Captain Safawi is full of Brits,” he said, referring to the fact that the team captain, who is British, might be inadvertently creating divisions within the squad.

Safawi’s comments suggest a deeper issue of team cohesion and perceived favoritism. He believes that the presence of British players has affected team dynamics, leading to a lack of inclusivity and understanding towards non-British members, including himself. This sense of exclusion has impacted his confidence and performance.

Coach Steinbruckner listened attentively, acknowledging the concern and promising to address it. He emphasized the importance of unity and fairness within the team. The coach committed to fostering a more inclusive environment, where every player feels valued and supported, regardless of their background. This conversation marks a crucial step in resolving underlying issues and rebuilding team spirit.

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